Compiled by: Alfred Jawok

PAKWACH. Pakwach district local Government has commissioned 11 tractors to the lower local governments as an initiative to booster both commercial and subsistence farming activities across the district.

Among the tractors, there are 10 hand-held walking tractors and a 75 horse power tractor.

The distribution strategy involves allocating the 10 walking tractors to the most exemplary local farmers’ groups in each lower local government area, while the larger 75 horsepower tractor is entrusted to the Abongu Women’s Group, recognized as the largest producer of cassava in the district.

Omito Robert Steen, LC5 chairman Pakwach district

Omito Robert Steen, the Pakwach district LC5 chairman, highlighted the superior effectiveness of walking tractors compared to traditional ox ploughs, boasting an efficiency rate surpassing 80% over rudimentary farming methods. Omito Robert Steen envisions this initiative as a catalyst for advancing commercial farming practices, as enshrined in the NRM manifesto.

According to Omito Robert Steen, despite receiving the tractors, the government of Uganda should intervene to solve the matter of Palango land which affecting Jonam people.

Paul Eseru, Pakwach District Resident District Commissioner

Paul Eseru, the Pakwach District Resident District Commissioner, emphasized the tractor’s pivotal role in supporting the Parish Development Model (PDM), particularly in boosting the first pillar of production, storage, processing, and marketing.

About two years ago, the government of Uganda donated two tractors for cooperatives of Dei-Panyimur and Wadlai-Pakwinyo clusters which have boosted commercial farming in the areas.